Tuesday, December 9, 2014


As a rule, I start revving up for Christmas when I put the Jack-o-lantern back in the attic.  But Jack never made it downstairs this year because I was in Houston on Halloween.  Thanksgiving has been turned over to grand daughter, since she has a very large kitchen and a large, custom built dining table.  Not to mention a gaggle of friends.

I still retain Christmas hosting rights - my small home can handle the few family members still around.  Besides, I have a fireplace and all the Christmas stockings!  But this is the year I donate 90% of my accumulated decorations to grand daughter and her significant other.  The big wreath over the fireplace and some poinsettias will be enough to brighten my interior.

So I'll do some baking.  A neighbor gave me three huge Meyers lemons which will go to make lemon bars.  Another favorite I'll make is mincemeat cookies.  And as my son said when he was young - "it isn't Christmas until Mom makes Ambrosia".  Bags full of free citrus make that easy enough.  If you're willing to prep it  from scratch.  A labor of love in my case.

The pressure of deadlines is off.  I've decided competition is just too expensive.  I will make custom D&D figures and figures I sketched months and years ago.  A doll to-do list of ideas that seemed worth exploring in-depth.   But first, we must "do"  Christmas.                                

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