Saturday, February 21, 2015

Spring is here-----

the redbud and dogwood are blooming, as well as the azaleas.  Despite all the snow up north, I''m sure I'll see flocks of robins very soon.  They will stay one day, over night and leave the next morning.  This is the day I keep Sassy in the house as much as possible because she will not tolerate ANYTHING that moves on it's own, in her yard.

For weeks now, I've felt the growing need to get outside and DO something, get my hands in the dirt.  I've bought potting and seed starting soil and of course, herb seed.    But, I've saddled myself with yet another deadline.  I hope it's the last for a while.  All those years of working for newspapers and tv stations have left me with a Pavlov-like response to the word "deadline".   So all other chores and responsibilities are left half done at best, until the deadline is met.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

B.A.M. was a BUST . . . .

. . . . . seems someone dropped the ball and - trusting soul that I am - I didn't check with the store the day before the big deal was to happen.

I showed up with all necessary gear, full makeup and a pound of candy hearts.  NO one knew I was supposed to be there.  But I must give them credit.  In nothing flat, they had set up a table for me, provided a classy black table cover with the Books-A-Million logo in big white letters and two chairs.  There were NO copies of the current edition on the shelf, nor had the extra copies promised been ordered.  An hour into the afternoon, they found three copies of the current ADQ.  Sold one copy to a neighbor, bless her heart.

When I realized how empty the store was on a Saturday afternoon, I pulled as many Stampington publications as I thought would fit on my table, to promote Stampington's beautiful craft magazines in  general and Crafts Month (March)  in particular.   Bria, my photographer, was there for about half the afternoon until   her Mom called her home to sit with her baby brother.  Meredith and David showed up  just as we were about to leave.  She had misread my notice, thinking the event started at 4 p.m.  It was from noon until 4p.m..  My neighbor, her sister and I were headed to Sweet Tomatoes for an early supper and invited Meredith and David along.  It was nice to have such a congenial group and a good meal.   It took away some of the pain of disappointment.  

SO.  There was mention of another chance May first when the summer issue hits the stands.   I must make a note to talk to the manager about ordering extra copies and getting some PR out there for me.  And for sure, must learn how on earth one arranges to talk to a human at the T-U.    I'm considering sending this to Jana.