Thursday, February 4, 2016

STUFF addendum

I must add to the previous post because Juanelle was a most delightful person and her dolls were EXQUISITE !  She brought several of her dolls for me to see and they just blew my mind.  Technically, her work was perfect and artistically, it was very obvious that she was very familiar with the human body.

Despite the packing, bits and pieces of what would be an entire day of (gourd) doll crafting are beginning to come together in my head.  When I do have time to sit down and put it all on paper, it should be - if not complete - then very near it.  Very briefly, it comes down to $60. to $75. per person and they bring a brown bag lunch.. For that price, I provide all materials and  instruction sheets and answer all questions to the best of my ability.   Because of the move and my need to finish Stella Skelly, I'm going to guess that I can pull the class together some time in mid to late March.   Must mark my calendars!

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