I KNEW her head was too big. But I kept working on it. I painted her face and hair pattern. I'd put glue on her neck and before it could dry, pulled her head off the neck. There are times I simply don't listen to my gut - the voice in my head - whatever.
SO. since I have no smaller egg gourds than the one that now resides in the "spare parts" box, I've cut down a small foam egg and covered it with clay. Maybe it will be dry tomorrow. I really hate using the soft white foam because it simply can't stand up to the man handling I tend to give it.
I will eventually get this new head finished - or make yet another if necessary. Of all the dolls I've made, I've given up on only one and she could still be salvaged. She is the victim of my inability to think far enough ahead - like I had to cut off both of her hands at the wrist because they were molded to her hips which left no way to get her slacks on. Chalk it up to just one more "self-taught" lesson
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
I seem to be making zero progress this week. Right shoulder so painful it interferes with my driving and wakes me at night. Aspercream and OTC pain pills offer only temporary relief.. Consequently, I'm getting very little sleep and can't stay focused on anything.
Wound up last week with a package from my sister in CA. She belongs to a sewing/craft group and always checks the members' scraps after class. She collects those pieces she feels are big enough for making doll costumes. She checks out neighborhood yard sales and snaps up anything - usually a piece of fur or jewelry - she feels I could use. When there is enough to fill whatever box she has on hand, she mails it to me, Receiving that box is like having an extra Christmas or two each year.
I've been invited to a quilt group meeting the second Thursday of each month. Being a doll maker, I may or may not fit in, although the president makes stuffed animals and toys.
Well! 43 quilters showed up as well as ten guests. There was a social hour of sorts, then "refreshments" although I felt like a glutton for taking a small helping of everything but the sweets which were just store bought coffee cake. I was introduced to the doll maker, although she isn't the current president. She too, had a book of dolls she'd made that she carried with her. Her book is much thicker than mine. But she makes cloth dolls which can be made much faster than those sculpted from clay. If I attend the next meeting, I'll take one of my dolls for "show and tell" - the fairy queen perhaps, since I have five or so copies of the ADQ issue it appeared in that can be shared with groups for the evening.
So - I will attend another meeting or two, offer copies of my teddy bear and Christmas stocking patterns, and have offered a Tea for Two gift basket as a door prize for the November "Tea and Scraps" party, but I don't see me becoming a dues-paying member.
Well! 43 quilters showed up as well as ten guests. There was a social hour of sorts, then "refreshments" although I felt like a glutton for taking a small helping of everything but the sweets which were just store bought coffee cake. I was introduced to the doll maker, although she isn't the current president. She too, had a book of dolls she'd made that she carried with her. Her book is much thicker than mine. But she makes cloth dolls which can be made much faster than those sculpted from clay. If I attend the next meeting, I'll take one of my dolls for "show and tell" - the fairy queen perhaps, since I have five or so copies of the ADQ issue it appeared in that can be shared with groups for the evening.
So - I will attend another meeting or two, offer copies of my teddy bear and Christmas stocking patterns, and have offered a Tea for Two gift basket as a door prize for the November "Tea and Scraps" party, but I don't see me becoming a dues-paying member.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Flynn didn't win any prizes at the Houston Doll Show, but she DID get published in the fall edition of Art Doll Quarterly. She was a finalist in the Superhero Challenge. Flynn now lives in her permanent home with her owner.
Monday, August 10, 2015
"I am dying - just as I am about to learn the alphabet of my profession."
I don't know if he actually said it, but I can certainly understand how he must have felt if he did. Dispair, panic perhaps, when you realize your eye sight is fading or your hands no longer have the strength or reach or sensitivity they once had. When you can't recall things you KNOW you know. People laugh and call such episodes "senior moments" But they can't see the fear you feel when those "moments" seem all too frequent.
I suppose the above has been brought on by the difficulty I'm having with my current doll. Her face has been particularly frustrating. I'm trying for the narrower face and slim, straight nose and cinnamon skin of North Africa. Arab, perhaps.
What I do know is that I've chosen a warm, butterscotch yellow for her gown. I want to applique large embroidered flowers from hem to over one shoulder. Several flowers at the shoulder will be stiffened with a backing of some sort to form a large semi-ruffle. Hopefully, it will be very dramatic.
The flowers I'm using are decoration cut from sheer curtain samples. The colors run from a pale cream to a soft sienna and from a pale yellow to a faded lime green. Fusing sheer fabrics together will be a new challenge.
I don't know if he actually said it, but I can certainly understand how he must have felt if he did. Dispair, panic perhaps, when you realize your eye sight is fading or your hands no longer have the strength or reach or sensitivity they once had. When you can't recall things you KNOW you know. People laugh and call such episodes "senior moments" But they can't see the fear you feel when those "moments" seem all too frequent.
I suppose the above has been brought on by the difficulty I'm having with my current doll. Her face has been particularly frustrating. I'm trying for the narrower face and slim, straight nose and cinnamon skin of North Africa. Arab, perhaps.
What I do know is that I've chosen a warm, butterscotch yellow for her gown. I want to applique large embroidered flowers from hem to over one shoulder. Several flowers at the shoulder will be stiffened with a backing of some sort to form a large semi-ruffle. Hopefully, it will be very dramatic.
The flowers I'm using are decoration cut from sheer curtain samples. The colors run from a pale cream to a soft sienna and from a pale yellow to a faded lime green. Fusing sheer fabrics together will be a new challenge.
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